Thursday, July 28, 2011

Pole-Eating Tree

There are a lot of great aspects to running – one of the best is that, sometimes, you see strange and unusual things. For example, there’s all the strange crap that accumulates by the sides of roads. The jetsam of the auto age. I once saw the head of a Jesus action figure lying on the gravel margin of a road, eyes to heaven. I did my best not to step over it. I’m sure you have stories of your own – and I’d love to hear them.

My most recent strange encounter happened at the intersection of Shankel, Schwartz, and Shore Club roads in Hubbards. I’ve driven and walked and run by this intersection a thousand times, but I only noticed the other day that there’s an old tree there that has managed to incorporate a utility pole into itself. I’ve seen trees eat wire fences and survey tape wrapped around the trunk – but I’ve never seen a tree consume something so large. Goes to show you that trees are, in fact, carnivorous and dangerous. The lesson here is – don’t even think of leaning up against a tree for, like, 50 years or more. You’ll regret it.

Strange and wonderful sights... yet another reason to love running!

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