Saturday, February 26, 2011


Apparently I need to get control of my life. I’ve resisted getting sucked into the vortex of YouTube videos and random links for years and years, but I’ve finally lost my grip and started to go round and round – the falcon cannot hear the falconer. I submit to you the evidence:

This link – well, I’m not going to ruin the surprise on this one – just go there and QWOP to your heart’s content. All I’ll say is that I never got past 10m. But we are all winners!

And this morning, somebody directed me to this inspirational video. By the time I got to Haile kicking down Tergat in the final stretch of the 10,000m in Sydney, I was a mess – I think I had boy PMS or something.

So this afternoon I got on the treadmill (it was far too snowy and icy and wind chilly outside – I know, I know, we just had rain yesterday, but we had a flash freeze and some snow overnight – life on the north Atlantic – sigh). And in the glow of internet inspiration, I cranked out 17km with 4x10minutes at 3:44/km (6:00/mile) with 90s rest. I would’ve pushed my threshold pace to 5:50/mile or even 5:45/mile, but the darn treadmill only goes up to 10 miles/hour (6:00min mile pace). The pace felt easy and smooth – I was smiling the whole time and visualizing coming down Brunswick St, the final stretch of the half. Secretly, I really want to win the thing – and I’m going to race it that way.

I’m taking a little extra motivation from that immortal moment in Tokyo in 1964 when, in the 10,000m, underdog Billy Mills pretty much transcended his earthly limitations and found a gear nobody knew he had (except him): watch here.

I’ve gotta stop watching these things!

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