Thursday, September 1, 2011

Day 1: A Line in the Sand

So it begins. You have to draw a line in the sand somewhere – then straighten up, compose yourself and say loud enough for someone to hear: “today, I’m starting training for a marathon.”

Did you hear that?

Maybe I’ll say it again so I’ll convince myself that it’s true – I’m training for a marathon.

Oh boy.

I think it was Frank Shorter who said that he didn’t start training for another marathon until he forgot his last one. I still remember my last one. Vividly. It was Ottawa in 2009. I blew that race. It got hot – I didn’t adjust. No. Instead, I went out too quick. Did 10k in 39 when I’d been training to run 4:00/k pace. Not smart. Died over the final 12k.

So why go back for more pain?

Well, I made an agreement with Alex. He wants to run a long one – and I always wanted another shot – so here was a chance to focus on a race with a training partner. We’re both hungry to succeed – we both drink too much beer. But we will help each other over the next 247 days.

That’s right – 247 days. We’ve chosen the Goodlife Toronto Marathon as our goal – and even though it’s so far away – not until May 6, 2012 – it looms on both of our horizons. There’ll be a lot of miles (kilometres, sorry!) between now and then. It’s hard to know what life will throw our way, but I’m willing to see – willing to give this race a real try – to work hard, get fast, and finally answer my own burning question: how fast can I really run?

This is the point – we both have a desire to put in the work to see what we can do. Alex is used to this – he knows how to do it. I don’t. I’m the perennial “full of potential” guy who never gets it done, never actualizes what could be. But I can learn actualization from Alex. What he can learn from me is how to achieve long-run mind. My gift will be showing him how to turn down the stream of mental demands and just lock in a comfortable pace and roll through the landscape.

Day 1 was yesterday. We ran together for the first time in over a month. Back in Shubie for about 14k. We went from 4:40s to 3:40s over the course of the run. Felt great. Then we had lunch and beer at the Celtic Corner – on the rooftop patio overlooking the harbour. It’ll be hard to cut down on scenic beers.

Today was Day 2. Nice and easy 7k along the Dartmouth waterfront, talking about how the city will change when the King’s Wharf development finishes. It’s funny – we’re both uncomfortable with gentrification – but we’re a part of it. We won’t get pushed out, but some will. It’s surprising, though, that it took this long for money people to figure out that Dartmouth downtown is one of the best places to live – the view is the best in the city and the commute takes less time than Clayton Park – and for now, the housing market is way cheaper. But that’s going to change.

Anyway... stay tuned for this adventure as Alex and I reshape ourselves into marathoners. I might even be able to convince Alex to contribute an entry or two as we go along – no guarantees, though – he is, after all, one of our country’s best young literary fiction writers, and his pen is in demand.

But you never know – maybe he’ll share an insight or two with RINS.

Either way, there’s no backing out now. We’re locked in.


  1. ITs great to hear that you are attempting another marathon, wish u the best in the training!! keep on the good work!

  2. Thanks so much, Cesar. Good luck to you too!
